Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What to Expect from the Rachael Armstrong Campaign

From Rachael Armstrong for Prosecutor's Facebook Page:
It's rare that I post this kind of personal "stuff" on this page, but I saw another post that got me thinking. ...When I grew up we lived in a nice neighborhood. Great school system-one of the best in the area. We were just a few houses down from the country club. (My parents could not afford to go there as I was growing up, and had no desire to keep up with the Jones, honestly; but the point is, it was a nice neighborhood.) Crime, nevertheless, sometimes happens in good neighborhoods and to good people, too. ...Across the street lived 2 sex offenders (brothers), who I knew only by sight. Back in those days, there were no registries, no signs, no sheriff notices, etc. When I was little, my mom explained the rules: "If you ever see ----, you come in the house immediately." So we (my brothers and I) would play and play, until the rare occasion when we would see one brother or the other (most times doing benign things like walking out to their car) and go running inside. ...Some times you might ask yourself what toll does that stuff really takes on the community? I wasn't a victim. I didn't even know any of their victims. Nevertheless, those sex offenders were in my dreams-my nightmares, actually. I used to wake up thankful that if someone, eg. those guys, broke in, they would have to go past my parents room first to get to me. (When you are young, parents are good for that kind of mental protection, I guess...lol.) For whatever reason, those nightmares lasted into my early adulthood. ...When I tuck my kids in at night, I remember my dreams and fears, and I hope that things are better for them. In fact, I am sure we all have that same hope. 

Before this election rolls around, I challenge you to ask yourselves: Am I better off? Are my kids better off? Are our neighborhoods safer? As the campaign continues on, I'll share with you the facts about our community and the cases that brought us to where we are. For some of you who only know what is printed in the paper or blitzed on TV, it may shock you. It's going to shock you. For others, you already know. Follow me on Facebook. Share with your friends. In a few months we will begin to explore these important issues.
We will also be focusing on these facts as well. Republicans running this year have failed records that the voters need to learn about. The facts are stubborn things and they will not work to the GOP's advantage in Harrison County in 2014. A person can try to get himself on television as much as he wants, or come out with cheap gimmicks in an election year, but that won't obscure a failed record.

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