Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Why are Republicans Against Public School Teachers?

Under the time since Republicans have controlled the governorship in Indiana, attacks on public education and teachers have been constant. We have seen massive cuts to certain school districts under Daniels, school vouchers taking away money from our schools, and the Tony Bennett obsession with standardized tests.

But what about teacher pay? If we say we value our teachers, we should pay them as the professionals they are. Indiana is about as bad as you can get on that under these Republican administrations in Indiana. According to the
National Center for Education Statistics, since 2000, in inflation adjusted dollars, teacher salaries in Indiana have fallen by 10%. The only other state that has seen a further drop is North Carolina. We were once at the national average, and now we are below it. Good job Indiana Republicans and Rhonda Rhoads for taking Indiana to places like Mississippi and Alabama in terms of education, wages, and the economy. Let's elect pro-education candidates like Heidi Sellers to the General Assembly this fall!

Indiana is the second worse in the nation. We can do better.

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